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Placement of Culvert Pipes in Township District

Chardon Township Road Department

Where it is desired by a property owner to place culvert pipe in an existing ditch, and further to fill and landscape that ditch, the following policy exists:

It is required that no pipe under 12” diameter be installed in any ditch within Chardon Township and only then with the approval of the Chardon Township Board of Trustees.

It is the responsibility of the Road Superintendent, Zack Sipan, 440-285-9002, to inspect the installation and the following landscaping to insure that proper drainage will take place. The inspection and approval by the road superintendent in no way releases the property owner from responsibility should water back up and cause problems to an adjacent property or prevent drainage of the road right-of-way.

Should problems arise from placing culvert pipe in a township ditch, the property owner is required to correct the problem immediately at his own expense. If a property owner fails to respond to a problem that is his/her cause, the township road department will remove such obstruction and reestablish an open ditch, the cost of which will be billed to the property owner. It would be noted that the Ohio Revised Code/ORC Section 5547.04 requires property owners to receive approval prior to placing an obstruction within the bounds of a township road. This section requires these property owners to remove any obstruction erected without permission.

O.R.C. Section 5589.06 states, “No person shall wrongfully obstruct any ditch, drain, or water course along, upon, or across a public highway, or direct any water from adjacent lands to or upon a public highway.”

In summary, the Chardon Township Board of Trustees will permit this practice within strict limitations whereby approval and inspection are required.


The property owner may make arrangements with the Road Superintendent to have the site ditched to the proper elevation and take into consideration the proper slope to be installed. There is no charge for this service. All material removed from the ditch shall be deposited at the site for the use by the property owner for covering the pipe and restoration purposes.

CATCH BASINS or T-DRAINS: T-DRAINS, the same size as the pipe run are to be installed every 75 feet or be located as directed by the road superintendent. From time to time, concrete catch basins may be required to be installed if the buried pipe is located in close proximity to a road culvert. Location of all catch basins or T-Drains are to be determined prior to the time installation begins.

STONE ENBEDMENT: All perforated pipe must be embedded in either 57 limestone, or 57 wash-gravel to allow for ground water to drain into the perforated pipe. (see diagram)

SIZE AND TYPE OF PIPE: All pipe must be the same size as the current driveway culvert pipe, with 12 inch being the smallest size permitted. The pipe must also be perforated (have holes in it) to allow for ground water to escape from near the roadway base.

LANDSCAPING: All landscaping shall be accomplished in a manner as to provide a 6 inch swale for the entire length of the project. (see diagram)

A no cost permit is required for installing pipe in roadside ditches. Those pipes installed without approval are subject to removal, with the cost billed to the property owner or placed as a lien on the tax duplicate.

Installation Diagram

Pipe Installation Diagram